Pretty cool huh? It is a great way to visualize your end product. For more sketchup examples you can see the plans at
In my real job (non-blogging) I am finding that more and more people are interested in building a more environmentally responsible and healthy home. Leaving political discussions and arguments about “climate change” behind (I don’t like being preached to and I don’t like preaching), I believe there are many common sense reasons to build a “Green” home. Here are two pretty good ones:
If you want to build a Green Home there is an abundant amount of information available to you. But start investigating Green and you begin to realize there can be a daunting number of decisions to make – and they all impact your construction budget in some way. Building Green can start to look incredibly complicated and expensive - and neither of these notions is inherently “Green”. Well it does not have to work that way.
So what I want to do, starting with this posting is to help you simplify things. I am starting out with a top 10 list of green things to do. This will give us some focus for more detailed discussions to follow. Those discussions will provide more detail on my top 10 list. So here goes.
Top 10 Green Things to do! – When building your new home.
So that’s my Top 10 Green Things to Do list. You may notice that I don’t specifically mention solar panels, photo-voltaics or geo-thermal systems. Well those items might be a great addition to an overall sustainable building plan, but the initial costs are high and the payback is longer. I’ll discuss more in future postings.
By the way, if you want to buy a “green” house plan that you can build. You might start at Simply Elegant Home Designs. All of the plans in their portfolio have been designed keeping many of the green principals listed above in mind.